Cannabis Strains with a Pear Aroma

Pear is a favourite fruit of many and it is also a favourite of cannabis smokers as strains reminiscent of the fruit have a lovely aroma and taste. It is terpenes such as myrcene and pinene that give the impression of pear, and they can be found in numerous strains.

Pear flavoured cannabis strains often have completely different properties. For instance, many say that Mud Bit has both a smell and taste of pear and it is known for being highly sedative. Conversely, strains such as LA Jack have a similar aroma/taste, but it is known as a highly creative strain. This means that those seeking pear-like strains have a great deal of choice. You can browse all of the different cannabis strains with the aroma/taste of pear here to find the right one for you.


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