- (Bubble Bomb)


Those delightful alchemists from Bomb Seeds in the Netherlands have used their untouchable wizardry to put a spell on us with this wholly magical and intoxicating bud. Hold on to your senses, because this ride will define the question - ‘What is happening?’, in a good way. Rollercoasters will seem like child's play after you dare to indulge in this gloriously wonderous strain. Speed it up and immediately slow it down. This will be your ride. These talented nutters decided to marry the THC Bomb and Bubble Gum strains to gift us mere mortals the fantastical Bubble Bomb. The impressive genetic lineage besides, it also boasts an altogether sturdy 19-21% average THC level. So, one wouldn’t be asked to leave the room by claiming that this bud will send you into space and bring you back down to a comfortable Earth.

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